Oakland, CA hardcore punk-influenced death metallers Abscess have the credentials of an awesome band. Featuring two former members of Autopsy ― drummer/vocalist Chris Reifert (also ex-Death) and guitarist Danny Coralles ― Abscess have been making their brand of raw death metal since 1995. And while their DIY sound is reputable, it doesn't quite compare to their previous work. Dawn of Inhumanity is their eighth album and features more of the same repetitious sound that borders on boring. Even though all of the tracks are belligerently fast and aggressive, there's nothing particularly noteworthy. Although Dawn of Inhumanity starts off strong, with the angst-filled "Goddess of Filth and Plague," each song after bleeds right into the next, leaving only uncertainty as to when one track ends and another begins. Because of their hardcore punk influences, Abscess simply don't live up to expectations.
Dawn of Inhumanity
BY Denise FalzonPublished Mar 8, 2010