CBC Radio's Grant Lawrence to Release First Book

BY Greg PrattPublished Jun 9, 2010

Grant Lawrence has built a name for himself in Canadian music history. Between his long-running broadcasting stint over at CBC Radio 3 and his time spent fronting Vancouver, BC's garage rock icons the Smugglers, the man's name is familiar to anyone with even a remote interest in the Canuck music scene. But Lawrence is going to be branching out a bit with his latest endeavour, a book about spending time at his family cabin in Desolation Sound, BC.

Adventures in Solitude, named after one of Lawrence's favourite New Pornographers songs, looks at Lawrence's return to Desolation Sound after his time with the Smugglers came to an end. According to the press release, he talks about how the silence and isolation of the area, which is the very opposite of what his life is normally like, started to appeal to him and how he learned to appreciate the area he couldn't wait to get out of when he was a kid.

The book also explores the relationship between the area and Lawrence's love of music, which got its start in Desolation Sound.

"I received my first real rock'n'roll tutorial from a bearded hermit in Desolation Sound named Russell," Lawrence said in a press release, "who was at one time a Bay Street stockbroker until something snapped and he ended up squatting in a tent in a tiny cove near our cabin here on the West Coast. I formed a band shortly after all of the music he introduced me to. Ironically, it was because of the band that I didn't return to Desolation Sound for well over a decade."

 Although no firm date is set just yet, Adventures in Solitude will be published sometime in the fall by Harbour Publishing.

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