Head for the hills and cry bloody murder! This pretty much sums up the feeling evoked while listening to Visions of Death, the debut full-length release from Moravia, NY's Disfigured Dead. The death metal band take their enthusiasm for slasher and cult horror movies and use it to their advantage, pairing it with an onslaught of blazing, guitar-heavy fury. Influenced by Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation, as well as Scream Bloody Gore-era Death, Disfigured Dead have created an album full of horrifically fantastic gut-wrenching metal. Tracks like "The Gates of Hell" and "The Act of An Unsound Mind" scream utter pain and gore, yet are executed with the distinct classic Swedish death metal style of Entombed and Dismember. Although Disfigured Dead wear their influences on their sleeves, Visions of Death is an outstanding debut full of good old fashion death metal.
(Hells Headbangers)Disfigured Dead
Visions of Death
BY Denise FalzonPublished Mar 1, 2010