Eels To Run One-Second Ad During Super Bowl

BY Dave SynyardPublished Jan 17, 2008

Super Bowl ads are almost as important to viewers as the massive sporting event itself. With this in mind, alt-rock weirdoes Eels are planning to make a big splash during the Packers/Patriots (wait, is that a prediction?) showdown with an ad for their new rarities compilation, Useless Trinkets.

Of course, Super Bowl ads are rather expensive, costing around $100,000 per second. Speaking to, Eels revealed they won't exactly be hogging the airwaves. Their plan? To run a one-second ad (which is basically all they can afford) featuring front-man Mark Oliver Everett saying the letter "U," referencing the first letter of their new album's title. Is this sheer brilliance or a complete waste of money? I guess only Billboard will have the answer once their chart position is revealed the following week. A full version of the ad will run online after the game finishes.

Eels "Last Stop: This Town"

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