Its perplexing when bands such as Snuff, Leatherface and Hot Water Music constantly continue to gain momentum and notoriety in the public eye, yet Manifesto Jukebox, a band of equal proportions from Finland, remains relatively anonymous. Here is a band that is pure musical gold, a real wonder wall of guitars and social and political conscience. A band that could have given Hüsker Dü a run for their money and made others run for cover in fear of trying to compete with their musical wizardry and lyrical power. Its phenomenal how this three-piece band can sound so monumental, and how their guitars cascade down around you like a waterfall. If you have to, travel to the far reaches of the planet to obtain this quintessential release. Desire should have been on a few top ten lists for 2001, yet like so many other great bands, they seem to have been lost in the shuffle of better promotion.
(Does Everyone Stare)Manifesto Jukebox
BY Shawn MerrillPublished Apr 1, 2002