Murder Construct


BY Denise FalzonPublished Aug 29, 2012

There are supergroups and then there are mega-crazy-awesome supergroups. Murder Construct are the latter, with a line-up that features Travis Ryan (Cattle Decapitation), Danny Walker (Exhumed, Intronaut, Uphill Battle, Phobia) and Leon del Muerte (Exhumed, Impaled, Phobia). Results is the debut full-length from the death-grind aficionados and it thoroughly surpasses the already mile-high expectations. "Red All Over" starts the record off with sharp guitar feedback and pummelling drum work before kicking into a fast, extreme clamour of rage and aggression. Ryan's schizophrenic vocals are dark and menacing, as he layers his different styles, from throaty growls and deep gurgles ("Under the Weight of the Wood," "No Question, No Comment") to high shrieks ("Gold Digger," Compelled By Mediocrity"). Thrashing speed, black metal-style guitar riffs and threatening blasts are consistent throughout, with bleak, cataclysmic themes providing even more of an ominous atmosphere. With any luck, Murder Construct will have a follow-up ready by the time jaws are able to be picked up off the floor.

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