Necrotic Disgorgement

Documentaries of Dementia

BY Denise FalzonPublished Jun 25, 2013

It's been nine years since Columbus, OH's Necrotic Disgorgement released their debut, Suffocated in Shrinkwrap. Now, the masters of brutal death metal have finally unveiled their full-length follow-up, Documentaries of Dementia, which was worth the wait. With a revamped line-up, featuring a new vocalist and bassist, Necrotic Disgorgement start the record off with an eerie opening track before kicking into pure, unrelenting brutality. Powerful drum blasts, a mix of impressive guitar leads and slamming grooves, as well as disgusting themes make up Documentaries of Dementia, which exudes unrivalled hatred and aggression, in a Dying Fetus-meets-Gorgasm way. Vocalist Jimmy Javins displays violent gutturals that perfectly meld with the intensity of the guitar work. Although the album doesn't bring anything new to the sub-genre, the band have nailed the delicate formula, balancing complex technicality and catchy rhythms. Featuring predictably vile song titles and grotesque artwork to match, Documentaries of Dementia satiates the heartiest of brutal death appetites and is the comeback record that the nearly forgotten Necrotic Disgorgement needed.

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