We all know that judging a book by its cover isnt the best practice, even when it comes to bands. The moniker Sever Your Ties initially brings the image of a semi-hardcore band with swooping haircuts, tattoos and
Oh, wait: bingo! While it may not be the best way to view a band it certainly hits the nail on the head this time out. Sever Your Tiess Safety In The Sea encompasses all the elements of a screamo band: vocals move back and forth between coarse and soft, guitars follow suit, and the drumming does exactly the same. Oh, right, and theres heavy use of a Moog synth. This album can easily make someone feel a little jaded and with good cause, as nothing outside of the box is brought to the table. So cast this one out to sea and well see if it sinks or swims.
(Solid State)Sever Your Ties
Safety In The Sea
BY Dave SynyardPublished Aug 23, 2008