It's no surprise that Kreator main man Mille is championing these Greece thrashers. "Bloodthirsty," the opening cut on this, their second disc, is as maniacal and fast-paced as anything those Germans have cranked out in their illustrious history; the tune actually approaches Reign in Blood-levels of fast thrash. But despite the album having tons of great moments ― more Slayer riffing in "The Pestilence of Saints," one great build-up in "No More than Illusion" ― it flys past without leaving the listener with too much to gush about to his fellow longhair travellers. Tracks like the excellent "Apokathilosis" provide an insanely satisfying riff-to-minute ratio, again bringing to mind Kreator and their never-ending chops. If Suicidal Angels can just hone their songwriting skills a bit more for next time around and deliver some memorable tunes, they're going to be up there with thrash's elite.
(Sonic Unyon)Suicidal Angels
Sanctify the Darkness
BY Greg PrattPublished Jun 21, 2010