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Aïsha Devi

Hakken Dub/Throat Dub

BY Philip James de VriesPublished Jul 18, 2014

Aïsha Devi, best known for her work as Kate Wax, shows no signs of toning down her eccentric approach to electronic music on her latest single for Danse Noire. "Hakken Dub"/"Throat Dub" is an aggressive mind-fuck of distorted percussion and guttural vocal work that makes no attempt to limit itself to a dance floor-friendly context. "Hakken Dub" finds Devi mixing layers of her own vocals with high-tempo, analog drum hits and white noise, evoking a similar emotion to much of fellow Danse Noire artist Vaghe Stelle's work.

The nine-minute "Throat Dub (Tool)" is the more memorable of the two tracks on the single for its sheer rawness; Devi works layers of her own vocal recordings into a highly digitized, satanic sounding chant that could very well be the background music for the more terrifying parts of an ayahuasca cleansing deep in the rainforests of South America. Accompanied by two beat-driven remixes from IVVVO and Hieroglyphic Being (the latter drawing out Devi's vocal work on "Throat Dub (Tool)" into a lengthy journey of new pitches), Aïsha Devi's latest is as in line with her personal reappropriation of "body music" as any of her previous releases.
(Danse Noire)

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