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Ben Gibbard Thinks New Postal Service Music "Would Be a Disappointment"

"Whatever we would make now would sound dramatically different than what we made 20 years ago"

Photo: Autumn de Wilde

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Jan 9, 2023

When Death Cab for Cutie and the Postal Service announced their co-headlining 2023 tour that is cruelly skipping Canada, some were immediately sparked with a renewed sense of hope that we might finally get a sophomore record from Ben Gibbard's latter project. Touring in celebration of 20 years of 2003 debut Give Up (and DCFC's watershed Transatlanticism) has to mean something more, right?

It sounds like sad millennials will have to continue doing the yearning that we do best. According to Gibbard, new music from the supergroup with Jimmy Tamborello and Jenny Lewis "would be a disappointment."

In a new episode of the Kyle Meredith With... podcast, the prolific singer-songwriter spoke at length about Death Cab's latest album, Asphalt Meadows, as well as the upcoming tour, promptly crushing long-held lofty dreams.

"Anybody who's been asking a second Postal Service record, like really ask yourself, after 20 years, do you really think that there's gonna something we could make that could even satisfy half of the desire you have in your mind as to what this record would be like?" Gibbard said. "Twenty years — a lot of technology has changed. A lot of how we make music has changed dramatically since then. It wouldn't be the same."

He continued, "I think often, when we think about the music that we love the most and the eras of a certain artist or a band that we love the most, we're as much thinking about the sound. It's not just the songs or how you were driving around in high school listening to it, wishing you could be anywhere other than the town that you're living in — it's the sound of it. Whatever we would make now would sound dramatically different than what we made 20 years ago, and I think it would be a disappointment even if we tried."

From such great heights, as it were.

You can watch the full 40-plus-minute interview with Gibbard below.

The Postal Service teased their comeback in 2020, but then the big return turned out to just be a voting PSA. In an attempt to make up for it, they proceeded to release a live album.

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