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Burial's Newest Song Can Only Be Heard on a Sega Genesis Cartridge

Hyperdub's collab with Analogue also features tunes from Jessy Lanza & Jeremy Greenspan, Kode9, Ikonika and more

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Dec 4, 2019

Last month, storied electronic label Hyperdub gave fans the gift of new Burial music through a collaborative compilation, and the imprint is set to do it again as part of a team-up with Analogue. However, you'll need a game console to hear it.

Eleven Hyperdub artists have recorded exclusive tracks for Konsolation, a team-up between the label and videogame hardware manufacturer that finds the compilation presented as a Sega Genesis (a.k.a. MegaDrive) cartridge.

Of course, your hi-fi rig or smart speaker aren't built to play that cartridge, so the two collaborators have made a Hyperdub-branded edition of Analogue's Mega Sg console, limited to 1,000 units globally.

Burial's contribution, "Starlore," opens Konsolation's tracklist, which also features material from Jessy Lanza & Junior Boys' Jeremy Greenspan, Ikonika, DJ Taye, Scratcha DVA, Proc Fiskal, Lee Gamble, Mana, Cooly G, Nazar and label boss Kode9.

All included tracks will remain exclusive to the cartridge, though you can hear snippets of each below. Konsolation is now available for pre-order.

Hyperdub recently teamed up with Adult Swim for the anniversary HyperSwim compilation, which featured new Burial song "Old Tape."

Analogue x Hyperdub Present Konsolation:

1. Burial - "Starlore"
2. Scratcha DVA - "Mega Wasp"
3. Ikonika - "Git Gud"
4. Jessy Lanza & Jeremy Greenspan - "Bobby"
5. Proc Fiskal - "Flakier Whelk"
6. Lee Gamble - "Segatrack
7. Mana - "Altered Interzone"
8. Cooly G - "Check Check"
9. Nazar - "Yula"
10. DJ Taye - "FF"
11. Kode9 - "Spiral Unlock"

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