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Energy Slime

"It's Cold" (video)

BY Josiah HughesPublished Nov 16, 2017

An offshoot of the Jay Arner band, Energy Slime are back with a brand new single called "It's Cold." The song will be available on a free flexi greeting card that will be handed out at Mint Records' Ridiculously Early Xmas Party on December 2. Ahead of the show, Exclaim! is proud to present a premiere of the song's new music video.

The clip is decidedly not wintry, instead offering some vividly bright outfits and some footage of Jay Arner shredding his guitar in a tropical storm. Still, the real highlight of the video is Energy Slime frontwoman and vid director Jessica Delisle, who sips wine on a treadmill and kicks back in a boss desk, occasionally flipping off the camera.

Here's what Delisle had to say about the making of the video:

We discovered a bizarre tiny gym with carpet-covered walls and two boardrooms in the basement of a motel we stayed at on tour. Our video shoot lasted as long as a load of laundry takes to wash and dry. At one point the elderly francophone hotel owner came downstairs as I was pouring myself a fresh glass of wine while on the treadmill. I thought she would be mad but she just said "Hello gorgeous." Jay's guitar solo shots were filmed during an actual tornado warning in Quebec. I wanted him to look like Slash in the "November Rain" video but all we had was a hotel parking lot. I think he did a good job despite our shortcomings.

It's pretty exhausting to sing while drinking a bottle of wine and working out simultaneously. In retrospect I probably could have just used juice or water instead of wine but I guess I'm a method actor. Everything on tour seems to balance out to neutral. That's why I like to maintain my equilibrium by drinking wine while exercising.

Watch the clip for "It's Cold" below.

Energy Slime's "It's Cold" flexi will be handed out for free to the first 50 people, as well as advance ticket holders, at the Mint Records Ridiculously Early Xmas party, which goes down on December 2 at Vancouver's Astoria. You can get more details on the event here.

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