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Five Finger Death Punch Reveal <i>War Is the Answer</i>

BY Keith CarmanPublished May 15, 2009

Los Angeles, CA-based groove metal outfit Five Finger Death Punch (FFDP or 5FDP, for those who love numerals) have announced that their sophomore effort is finally complete.

Guitarist Zoltan Bathory shared the news with UK's Metal Hammer Magazine recently, adding that the album will be called War Is the Answer and should see a June 8 release date via Spinefarm Records. This, of course, will only happen once Randy Staub (Metallica, Nickelback) finishes mixing the sucker.

The band's debut effort, The Way of the Fist, was self-produced and released by the Firm/EMI back in 2007. It proceeded to make instant waves, presumably not only because of their awesome name, which references old school martial arts flicks, but because the Firm is such a marketing-savvy organization. They're the brains behind that whole Korn getting paid a reported $27 million for shares in their albums, ticket sales and merchandise a couple of years back. But this doesn't mean we're deriding FFDP's ability in the slightest. In fact, we're proud of them for hooking up with the right businessmen in an unstable musical climate.

War Is the Answer will also mark the recorded debut of new guitarist Jason Hook, pulled from the Alice Cooper Band after original guitarist Darrell Roberts split in January of this year. Bathory (what a name, huh? The Norwegian black metal dudes must love this guy) is just gushing over Hook, stating that, "He's an unbelievable player, and a good friend of all of us, so we hope our fans will welcome him in the Death Punch crew."

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