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Japandroids Discuss Breakup, Reveal They Won't Be Touring Final Album

The band played their final show in Toronto in 2018

Photo: Stephen McGill

BY Alex HudsonPublished Sep 16, 2024

Japandroids will release their final album, Fate & Alcohol, next month — but fans who were hoping that this release would give them one last chance to see the duo live will be disappointed, since Japandroids have confirmed that they won't be touring behind it at all.

Speaking with Stereogum, singer-guitarist Brian King and drummer David Prowse discussed how they briefly considered a 10th anniversary tour for Celebration Rock in 2022 before scrapping the plans.

"At first, [Brian] was like, 'I don't know about this tour, we're still in the middle of making this record," Prowse said. "And then that conversation kind of quickly evolved into, 'I don't know if I ever want to tour again.'" Their last-ever show was in 2018 at Toronto's Phoenix Concert Theatre.

King revealed that he will soon celebrate a year of sobriety, and that staying away from the road is part of how he remains sober.

Elsewhere in the interview, Prowse spoke about releasing a new album without touring it. "There was a brief moment where I think Brian had some second thoughts, and whether it was unfair to the album that we're not going to tour and properly promote it," he said. "I'd rather be playing drums and going all over the world playing shows, to be completely honest."

King is currently living in Ann Arbor, MI. He and his wife are expecting their first child this fall, and he currently can't leave the United States as he's trying to get his green card. The members of Japandroids haven't seen each other since their album cover photo shoot in March 2024.

Fate & Alcohol is out October 18 through Arts & Crafts.

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