Over the weekend, former Slipknot drummer Jay Weinberg revealed that he was "heartbroken and blindsided" by his dismissal from the band earlier this month. In a series of since-deleted tweets (are they still called tweets?), his former Against Me! bandmate, Laura Jane Grace, has called "little bitch boy" Weinberg's ousting from Slipknot "poetic justice."
Grace re-posted a Rolling Stone article on the drummer's response to his removal from the band, adding, "If true[,] poetic justice," as well as another since-deleted post that read, "Oh does it suck to find out via Twitter little bitch boy."
Grace re-posted a Rolling Stone article on the drummer's response to his removal from the band, adding, "If true[,] poetic justice," as well as another since-deleted post that read, "Oh does it suck to find out via Twitter little bitch boy."
Em 2012, Jay Weinberg anunciou sua saída do Against Me! via Twitter, ao invés de comunicar à banda. Ao saber que o baterista foi demitido do Slipknot pelo telefone, Laura Jane Grace, vocalista da banda punk, não poupou.
Speaking with SPIN in 2014, Grace alleged that she found out via the social media platform that Weinberg was leaving Against Me! "He never said a word," she told the publication's Michael Tedder at the time. "I just woke up one morning and read on Twitter that he was leaving the band."
Later that year, when there was speculation that the drummer was joining Slipknot in the place of Joey Jordison, Grace tweeted [via Consequence], "Dear Slipknot, good luck with that," adding a #shitbag for good measure.
The singer-songwriter had gone on to tweet a series of tales about her experiences being bandmates with Weinberg, bemoaning his #entitlement. "We once had a drummer who sprained his ankle and wanted our tour manager to call 911 and have an ambulance come for him," she wrote at the time. "When our tour manager said no the drummer[']s Daddy called him and scolded him saying the drummer was a 'star' and needed to be treated as such."
Grace continued, "We once had a drummer who would go behind our back and tell house light people to focus all stage lights on him," claiming that Weinberg likewise asked her to move aside on stage because "the audience couldn't see enough of him." She also alleged that he threatened to sue the band after he quit.
Seemingly in response to her more recently-deleted dispatches, Grace wrote on the website now known as X, "Reminder to self: focus on promoting new album[,] single and upcoming tour dates, try not to be a spiteful cunt." Said new album, Hole in My Head, is due in February.
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