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Laurence-Anne Beats the Sophomore Slump on the Dream-Like 'Musivision'

BY Yara El-SoueidiPublished Apr 21, 2021

They say that sophomore albums are the hardest for an artist. They're the ones that will cement the artist's reputation: are they worth our time and energy, or will they be forgotten? In Musivision, Laurence-Anne's second album, the Montreal artist establishes herself as one of the most promising young artists in the current electro-pop scene that has been growing within the city.

Musivision sounds like an ethereal dream. The album is shaped by Laurence-Anne's soft, eerie voice — a voice she plays almost like an instrument. We feel surrounded and wrapped by its clear sound as if we were taking a plunge into Laurence-Anne's psychedelic universe. This is most noticeable on "Tempête," where her voice and the music become one.

The album is filled with surprising turns that make Laurence Anne shine. The production, masterfully done by Félix Petit (Les Louanges), is carefully considered, bringing Laurence-Anne's aesthetics and imagery to life. From the musicianship to the mixing, everything is well-executed and organized so that all the sonic elements that make up the album lift each other while allowing each to stand out on its own merits. With Naomie De Lorimier, David Marchand, Ariel Comtois, Julian Perreault (from Corridor) and Samuel Joly (from Klaus and Marie-Pierre Arthur), Laurence-Anne is surrounded by collaborators to help bring her musical universe to another level.

When Laurence-Anne sings for the first time in English on "Strange Feeling," a beautiful love song that stands out with its heavy drums and slow tempo, listeners might wonder why she didn't try this kind of arrangement before. She also explores Spanish with "Pajaros," a sunny, synth-heavy song that is sung sensually, her voice a near whisper. Through all of this, the singer offers us some gems that are reminiscent of her first album, like the closing track "Géo," a more traditional rock song than the rest of the album, which otherwise tends towards electro pop and psych rock. The album is filled with interesting short interludes meant to intertwine each song into the next for a seamless listening session. Musivision is designed for a linear listening experience.

This album comes at the right time, encapsulating all of Laurence-Anne's talents. With Musivision, Laurence-Anne proves that she is one of Quebec's top acts to follow in years to come. Musivision is made of dreams from which we don't wake up. At least, not right now.

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