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Living with Lions Lose Singer, Reunite with Original Vocalist

BY Alex HudsonPublished Apr 13, 2012

It's been a rough year or so for Living with Lions, whose 2011 album Holy Shit landed them in a world of trouble with FACTOR and the Canadian heritage minister due to the religious humour contained in its artwork. Now, the Vancouver pop punks have had their world rocked once again as they've just changed singers.

Frontman Stu Ross has quit the band, but luckily this won't disrupt the band's tour schedule, since original Living with Lions singer Matt Postal has resumed his frontman duties.

In an official statement, the band said, "We'll be touring with our original singer, Matt Postal!"

So, we're not entirely sure if Postal is a permanent replacement, or if he'll be touring with them until they find someone else to join full time.

The split with Ross was evidently not a bitter one, as the band wrote, "Stu Ross is a friend to us all, and after over a year or so handling vocal duties, has decided to move on to pursue future projects. We wish him the best of luck."

All of the band's tour dates are in the U.S., and you can see the schedule here.

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