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Martin Shkreli Has Been Released Early from Prison

He's already living it up on the outside

BY Allie GregoryPublished May 18, 2022

We regret to inform you that "Pharma-Bro"/Wu-Tang Clan enemy No. 1, Martin Shkreli, is a free man. The internet's favourite villain was released earlier today from the Allenwood, PA, minimum-security prison where he was being held on charges of security fraud.

"I am pleased to report that Martin Shkreli has been released from Allenwood prison and transferred to a [Bureau of Prisons] halfway house after completing all programs that allowed for his prison sentence to be shortened," his lawyer, Ben Brafman, said in a statement [via The Washington Post].

Though Shrekli had his 2020 request for early release denied, it appears that his latest attempt was successful. All in all, he served less than five years of his seven-year sentence. Time flies!

The disgraced former hedge fund exec will reportedly remain in a halfway house until mid-September. That said, a recent set of tweets from Edmund Sullivan seems to show Shkreli living it up on the outside:

Thankfully, despite his newfound freedom, Shkreli was recently banned from the pharmaceutical industry and ordered to return the $64 million USD in profits he made from price-gouging the drug Daraprim.

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