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MF DOOM's Family Detail "Many Unsuccessful Attempts" at Retrieving Artist's Lyric Books

Photo: Eric Coleman

BY Calum SlingerlandPublished Mar 2, 2023

After claiming that MF DOOM's lyric books were "illegally" in the possession of a former associate, the late artist's family has shared more details surrounding their own "unsuccessful attempts" to retrieve them before his 2020 passing.

In a statement to Complex last September, DOOM's widow Jasmine Dumile alleged that the lyric books are in the possession of Eothen "Egon" Alapatt, explaining, "We had hoped after DOOM transitioned Egon would do the right thing and return the books to the family but he has continued to ignore these requests."

Alapatt was previously general manager of Stones Throw Records from 2000 to 2011, and is credited with Project Coordination on Madlib and MF DOOM's revered collaborative album for the label as Madvillain, 2004's Madvillainy.

Today, DOOM's family shared a series screenshots via the artist's social media channels showing email correspondence between Alapatt, Jasmine Dumile, and the artist born Daniel Dumile. DOOM — who signs one message as "D" — and Jasmine Dumile both write to Alapatt using an account with the alias Karlo Metal-Franks.

"Peace E. Hope you're well," reads an email sent to Alapatt on August 16, 2016. "Any word from [redacted] on my belongings. I really need those notebooks."

"I have no idea where [redacted] is," Alapatt responds. "As I told [redacted] when she contacted me... He disappeared when his family sold the building, which, from what I understand, has been gutted. I know from working with [redacted] that they carted away dumpsters full of stuff."

A follow-up message from Jasmine sent to Alapatt over a week later (August 29) reads that after making contact with the unknown party, the person shared that Alapatt had the notebooks in his possession. Her email includes an address the books can be mailed to, since redacted for social media.

A subsequent message that appears to be authored by DOOM, sent to Alapatt in January 2017, reads, "I also come to find out my notebooks are in your possession. Let me know the cost of storage so we can promptly reclaim these items. I do appreciate the safe keeping and return of ALL the notebooks and any other property belonging to DOOM in your possession. We are interested in keeping good relations with you as the future unfolds."

Alapatt has yet to respond to the allegations. Claims about the theft of DOOM's lyric books first came from Talib Kweli last August, who also accused Alapatt of attempting to block the release of Black Star's Madlib-produced album, No Fear of Time.

Kweli would later back up Jasmine Dumile's claims upon her statement being published by Complex, writing on Instagram, "The full story of how dastardly Now Again Records founder Eothen "Egon" Alapatt is has yet to be told, but soon come."

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