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Perry Farrell to See ENT and Neurologist, Wife Won't Address "Other False Narratives"

"We are equally astonished at Perry's physical outburst as you are — but you must know that Perry must had been pushed to his absolute limit"

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Sep 23, 2024

When the Jane's Addiction reunion tour imploded last week, guitarist Dave Navarro issued a statement — co-signed by fellow bandmates Eric Avery and Stephen Perkins — citing frontman Perry Farrell's "mental health difficulties," and expressing his desire for the singer to "get the help that he needs" after the onstage brawl Farrell instigated. His wife, Etty Lau Farrell, has now issued a statement with an update about treatment for her husband, as well as denouncing "other false narratives" that may or may not include the band's breakup.

She took to Instagram over the weekend to update supporters on her husband's prognosis, wishing everyone "LOVE. KINDNESS. COMPASSION. GRACE," using the ultimate font for such thoughts and prayers — which is, of course, Papyrus.

"As you know, Perry is the gentlest of souls," Etty Lau Farrell wrote. "We are equally astonished at Perry's physical outburst as you are — but you must know that Perry must had been pushed to his absolute limit.. to that end we apologize."

"We are taking a bit of time to ourselves, to reflect and to heal," she continued. "Perry already has appointments with [an] otolaryngologist and a neurologist," adding, "If you know and love Perry well, you know there's no need for me to address the other false narratives. Our souls know."

After Navarro hinted that fans will never get to hear the new Jane's Addiction single "True Love" performed live, Farrell's wife could be poking holes in the breakup speculation — or just being weird about mental health treatment, which is nothing to be ashamed of and something someone resorting to physical violence against a bandmate mid-concert clearly needs.

Read Etty Lau Farrell's full post below.

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