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Snotty Nose Rez Kids Are Getting Their Own Scripted Comedy TV Show

Also check out their new song "KALEIDOSCOPE"

Photo: Jennifer Hyc

BY Alex HudsonPublished May 31, 2024

Snotty Nose Rez Kids are getting their own CBC TV show.

The hip-hop duo announced the news at a CBC event, saying that the show was a year in the making. The scripted comedy series is based on their own lives. It's simply called Snotty Nose Rez Kids and will premiere in 2025.

"We are the creators, executive producers, story consultants, and we will be doing the music for this show as well," Darren "Young D" Metz said.

"It really is a reflection of who we are, because Native people are and always have been funny as hell. We use humour as a way of healing and to bring our people together," Quinton "Yung Trybez" Nyce added. "As Snotty Nose Rez Kids we try our best not to take ourselves too seriously — for the most part, at least." Plans for the show began as a documentary, but the project eventually became a scripted comedy series.

There will be eight 30-minute episodes. According to a synopsis from CBC, "The series is inspired by the lives of best friends Quinton and Darren, who move from their remote Haisla Nation to the big city of Vancouver to chase their hip-hop dreams. Throughout a series of misadventures they lean on their newfound community to kick start their career as Snotty Nose Rez Kids."

Watch the announcement video below. Also below, check out the duo's newly released song "KALEIDOSCOPE." They will headline a hometown show at Vancouver's Malkin Bowl on September 21.

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