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Speedy Ortiz's Sadie Dupuis Announces New Poetry Book 'Cry Perfume'

It's the followup to the songwriter and bandleader's first collection of poetry, 2018's 'Mouthguard'

BY Kaelen BellPublished Jul 26, 2022

Sadie DupuisSpeedy Ortiz bandleader and mastermind behind the solo pop project Sad13 — 
has announced her second book of poetry called Cry Perfume, arriving October 4 via Black Ocean.

Comprised of four years' worth of poems she'd written while touring, Cry Perfume is the result of Dupuis developing "a deeper understanding of harm reduction," which gave her "a new lens on the inequities she'd sensed in music labour." 

"I'd lost friends to overdose, and felt anger at the ways in which live music largely ignores the needs of musicians and music fans who use drugs or who face addiction — and how in many ways, artists are encouraged toward untenable living," Dupuis said in a statement. "The chronic underpayment of musicians, the inseparability of venues and alcohol sales, and the arts' increasing absorption into algorithmically-motivated tech felt like interwoven concerns."

Cry Perfume is the follow-up to Dupuis' first collection of poetry, 2018's Mouthguard. Speedy Ortiz's last record was 2018's Twerp Verse. In 2020, Dupuis released Haunted Painting, her sophomore album as Sad13. 

You can preorder Cry Perfume here

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