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Watch Dave Grohl Join boygenius for "Satanist" on Halloween

Trick-or-treating ourselves to some self-belief

Photo: Dave Grohl by Raphael Pour-Hashemi (left)

BY Megan LaPierrePublished Nov 1, 2023

In a beautiful full-circle moment harkening back to starting the press cycle for the record with that Rolling Stone cover where they cosplayed as Nirvana, boygenius brought out Dave Grohl to play drums on "Satanist" at their Halloween show at the Hollywood Bowl.

And what a year they've had. Dressed as the Father (Lucy Dacus), the Son (Julien Baker) and the Holy Spirit (Phoebe Bridgers), the supergroup treated boo!genius fans to the spooktacular night of their lives last night (October 31) as the final show of their whirlwind tour.

100 gecs and Sloppy Jane (who Bridgers used to play in) opened the show, which was more than certainly attended by myriad Los Angeles-based celebrities incognito. The boys' all-women backing band donned angel wings, and Bridgers's dog Maxine even made an onstage appearance as the Lamb of God.

Right, speaking of — God of modern rock journalism and Pinkerton apologist Grohl got behind the kit for the rip-roaring fanfare of the ever-on-theme "Satanist," and it looked like everyone was having a blast. You can check out some fan-shot clips of that below.

Elsewhere in the set, the boys also covered each other's solo songs, with Baker and Dacus taking on "Motion Sickness" (one of Bridgers's best songs), Dacus and Bridgers singing "Good News" from Baker's 2015 debut album, Sprained Ankle, and Bridgers doing a rendition of Dacus's indelible "Night Shift." See snippets of that below, too.

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