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Armor For Sleep

Dream to Make Believe

BY Jasamine White-GluzPublished Sep 1, 2003

In a world of teen punk branded by clothing lines and bad pop songs, Armor for Sleep prove some teen bands are about substance. Wearing their insecurities on their sleeves, Armor for Sleep’s latest release Dream to Make Believe is a beautifully written album. Both lyrically and musically on par with some of the best of Jimmy Eat World and Further Seems Forever, Dream to Make Believe captures a sort of naive innocence that probably wouldn’t be possible had lead vocalist and chief songwriter Ben Jorgensen been old enough to drink. Symphonic anthems like "Being Your Walls” and punky ditties like "All Warm” set the tone for the record, a retrospective look at the fine line between dreams and reality. Armor for Sleep manages to write the perfect emo record without being too cheesy or cliché, instead adding delicious guitar bits and soft vocal harmonies. Emotionally unstable but musically incredible, you can bet this band will make you cry with the strike of a single chord.
(Equal Vision)

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