The 2024 edition of premiere emo nostalgia festival When We Were Young took place in Las Vegas, NV, over the weekend. It was marred by a few issues, with the All-American Rejects pulling out of their performance days beforehand due to "a management change within the WWWY operation" resulting in the fest being "no longer able to accommodate [the band] in the previously agreed upon lineup."
The relatively last-minute cancellation meant that the All-American Rejects were still emblazoned on the official When We Were Young merch — well, kind of. Numerous reports and Reddit posts indicate that their name was one of the many that were misspelled across various official festival merchandise.
The All-Amercian Rejects, however, remained on the lineup in a font size that was maybe okay with them (whoever they are), alongside Amor for Sleep (Armor for Sleep), Daisy Grendade (Daisy Grenade), LS Dunes (L.S. Dunes), Movevments (Movements), New and Glory (New Found Glory), Sleeping with Siriens (Sleeping with Sirens) and We Are in the Crowd (We Are the In Crowd).
I don't remember the scene being this typo-laden back in the day; Tumblr users of the epoch were much more scrupulous about this kind of thing. New Found Glory are having fun with it, though, and created some merch of their own dedicated to their performance at the "WWYW" festival with their newly christened band name.
If you know you know! The festival merch this weekend “renamed” a bunch of bands which was good for a ton of laughs. And ya know what? We liked ours so much we’re considering just changing our band name. For a limited test run, this shirt is available at
Has anyone created a Your When We Were Young Merch Band Name generator yet? Is there a Buzzfeed quiz?